Professor Calder has broad research interests in nutritional modulation of immunity, inflammation and cardiometabolic disease risk. Much of his work has been devoted to exploring the metabolism and functionality of fatty acids with an emphasis on the roles of omega-3 fatty acids. He has over 500 scientific publications and is listed by Thomson Reuters as a Highly Cited Researcher. Philip has received several prizes and awards for his research including the Danone International Prize in Nutrition in 2016. Professor Calder has served on many committees of professional societies. He was President of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (2009-2012) and Chair of the Scientific Committee of the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (2012-2016). He is currently President of the Nutrition Society. Professor Calder was Editor-in-Chief of the British Journal of Nutrition from 2006 to 2013 and is currently an Associate Editor of Clinical Science, Journal of Nutrition, Clinical Nutrition, Lipids, and Nutrition Research. He is a member of the several other Editorial Boards of journals in the nutrition, clinical science and lipidology fields. Philip currently serves as scientific co-chair of the ILSI Europe Task Force on nutrition, immunity and inflammation and on the ILSI Europe Scientific Advisory Committee, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society for Biology and of the Association for Nutrition.