Dr Patel has experience in the clinical management of older people both within the acute and rehabilitation settings and has a specialist interest in frailty and sarcopenia and is developing pathways for the streamlined recognition and management of patients living with frailty presenting to the acute hospital. Dr Patel is also involved in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and education and delivers seminars on sarcopenia, frailty and comprehensive geriatric assessment, teaches on the Wessex MRCP part two revision courses and organises the annual acute medicine update day at UHS. Dr Patel has had past and current supervisory roles with junior doctors as well as PhD and undergraduate BMedSci students. Dr Patel is a member of the interdisciplinary ageing and health group which carries out high quality clinical, epidemiological, basic and social science research that translates into improving the health of older people. Dr Patel’s research forms part of the sarcopenia, frailty and clinical practice in older people programme. His doctoral research was titled Lifecourse Influences on Skeletal Muscle Morphology, Mass and Function in Community Dwelling Older Men. The main focus of his work was elucidating mechanisms underlying the developmental origins of sarcopenia, the loss of skeletal muscle mass, strength and function with age. His study involved the detailed characterisation of muscle mass as well as function, and also included the study of muscle at the cellular level in tissue obtained through percutaneous biopsy. His post-doctoral work is on nutrition, lifestyle, epigenetics and sarcopenia in older people in studies funded by the NIHR Nutrition Biomedical Research Centre, UHS.